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Why is it called Rock & Roll Engineering?

Click on these two videos to find out:



Bruce plays guitar very well. You might think, "Ok, simple enough," but it goes deeper than that. Having been rasied

in a musical family, Bruce made his living for twelve years by only playing guitar. It's deep within his soul.

(He's aways looking for GOOD players.)

At a Southern California Pontiac club show in 1994 members were treated to an afternoon jam with Bruce

and one of his friends - Lou Graham - the lead singer from Foreigner. Bruce's own playing style is self described

as being "somewhere between Frank Zappa and Billy Gibbons" with a strive for the spirit of Ritchie Blackmore.

"Pulling off a near verbatim Highway Star with the best band I've been in so far has been my highlight of my playing carreer" said Bruce.

The keyboard player was as talented than John Lord, but, was a typical Scorpio, an ego manic, and eventually was the ruin of the band.

(Couldn't live without banging the bass players wife....)

Bruces thoughts on playing other peoples music; If you can't nail it the way THEY played it - you ain't squat. (Play yer own.)

Lou collects cars. Here's Bruce and Lou at the drags with Lou's 1965 Dart GT

four speed. Couple of skinny Dirty White Boys. (License plate!)

More ROCKIN' pictures here

Fulper Pottery history some of you may like to see

Don't make a mistake.

Call RRE first before your car calls these guys...

...or ends up like this guy.


You are now ready for the best engine help ever offered to the Pontiac community. Bruce Fulper has been around high performance Pontiacs since 1965. His older brother Mike can be thanked for putting the "go-fast bug" in Bruce's britches after he bought a new 1965 421 H.O. Grand Prix, three speed stick and a 3:42 gear. A mighty big torque Pontiac. Good looks, unbeatable by other hot stockers. In fact, that car wasn't beaten for a year until the spring of 1966 when the other guys had installed a cam, headers and steep rear gears in their intermediates. That G.P. was one bad ass ride. Bruce was hooked on drag racing for life.

And while he's is capable of many talents, (killer guitar player,) consider yourself lucky he has taken the time to share his R&D knowledge about Pontiac engines. You'll benefit from asking questions. All you have to do is be sincere and respectful. We must suggest the "respect" part because there are a few so called Pontiac "Guru's" and weirdo's that have a jealous axe to grind with Bruce, and they make their jealousy known in various posts on the internet. Ignore the internet garbage. At the track he's beaten every one of them. Bruce prefers good engineering to personal attacks. You'll not find a kinder helping individual in our Pontiac hobby.

Throughout the history of engine rebuilding, most mechanics have felt the need to keep tricks of the trades a secret. Bruce likes to share more than most. Learning how to build reliable engines from stock to all out full race competition, he realized that most Pontiac people were in dire need of correct information to get their moneys worth the first time around. Bruce began writing The 421 Club newsletter in the fall of 1989 in order to exchange information with all Pontiac owners. Although a lot of people thought The 421 Club contained 421 cubic inch engine information only, (he's not a marketing genius. The name just sounded cool.) it actually covers all traditional Pontiac V-8's. Shortly thereafter was the beginning of Rock 'N' Roll Engineering as a mail order engine building company.

As Bruce learned more, the Pontiac community learned more. And you can learn what it takes to build a Pontiac engine the right way. Our King Street 350 impressed the staff at Car Craft magazine and the hundreds of people that have seen it run. As RRE becomes more efficient with this web page, we will share more technical insights. Watch for the ads for Bruce's upcoming book. "Bruce Fulper's guide to perfect Pontiac engine building." (or something like that!)

Bruce's original Rock 'N' Roll GTO. With it's 9.2 Cr. 400 it ran 10.60's and made people like Pete McCarthy lose their old school mega-egotistical minds. Instead of learning how it was done, Pete wrote letters to magazines and club presidents claiming Bruce's engine was not what it was. All because he couldn't explain how it was done. Poor Pete. Made a fool of himself.

Bruce doesn't have this type of ego problem. If he doesn't know an answer to a question he'll tell you just that. You'll not find a more helpful Pontiac'r.

Don't be afraid to ask technical questions. Bruce can be reached by e-mail: Go to the bottom of the front page and click on the email spot.

Give him a call. 909-370-0389 Remember this important point - He'll take the time to talk you thru your project. Both parties will have a complete understand the intended goals. We often save customers hundreds of dollars via our package engine pricing.

One of these guys spends a lot of time on two wheels

The first ten people to contact us by email and correctly indentify these 1960's very famous racers wins a Rock 'N' Roll Engineering T-shirt and a set of love 'em Rock 'N' Roll Engineering decals. Hint - One of these guys kicked major booty driving a Pontiac! Magazine writers and editors covering the event where this picture was taken are ineligible. Another hint? One of these guys spends a lot of time on two wheels. Only one guy has guessed correctly in thirteen years!

One of these guys spends a lot of time on two wheels

Jim Kreim, GTO information guru, and Big Daddy Don Garlits.

Bruce was the announcer at this SuperCar Showdown event and

interviewed Big over the PA both days.

Don was a wealth of mechanical info and a whole lot fun to talk to.

Don wore his Rock ‘N’ Roll T-shirt on Sundays pass in the

famed Swamp Rat. That was just the coolest day. Click here to see.

This was the very first picture of a Bruce Fulper Pontiac in a magazine.

Taken at the "Last Drag Race at Riverside" Raceway, June 5th, 1988.

When we find the ET slip from this run we'll post it.

That's the famous So. Cal. Pontiac racer Richard McFarland

in the other lane. He's driving his 455 powered '62 G.P.

Bruce cut a .500 light to Richards .513 and put him on the trailer.

13.00 flat to a 13.49 dial for Bruce.

Bruce like all other racers was ticked that the track was closing hence the

"Chief Pontiac says, "Gimmie back my Land" and

the neo-sponsors name shoe polished on the rear quarter panel.

"Dick Gozinya Racing."

Tim Marshall took the picture for Drag Racing Magazine. Sept. 1988 issue.

Our shop is on the other side of that hill. There's still enough

room here for a drag strip. Drat.